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How Participants Rate Our Programs

96% of participants rate our Workplace Conflict Resolution Training Programs as Excellent or Good.


Course Background


The ability to resolve and manage conflict in the workplace is an essential core competency for leaders and managers today. It is no longer enough to send aggrieved or disputing parties to HR for a solution, especially if HR is not trained in conflict resolution techniques. Employees express greater job satisfaction in a workplace that values a shared, open and transparent process for identifying, resolving and managing inevitable conflict. Organizations that embrace this value make individual and organizational success and growth possible.


Since tools and techniques for resolving conflict in the workforce improves the productivity and job satisfaction of all members of any organization, providing every member of your workforce with this skill should be at the top of your employee development list. A workforce equipped with conflict resolution skills will help your organization establish and improve its culture, create productive workplace relationships, and establish trust and inclusivity throughout your workplace. 


This program teaches participants how to resolve conflict in six, easy-to-follow linear steps. Participants apply what they learn to a case presented in class. All participants return to their organization with tools and immediately executable skills for resolving conflict in their workplace.



Course Overview (Content & Structure) 


This comprehensive professional development program includes a combination of lecture, interactive discussion, and role place exercises. The course is divided into three sections. It begins with an introduction to the topic, then covers the skills and techniques needed to successfully resolve conflict in the workplace (including a six step process to resolve any conflict you may encounter), and ends with an opportunity to use the skills and knowledge covered in the class during a group exercise/role play where participants actually resolve the conflict in a case study. 


Introduction to Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: Lecture and Discussion


  • Costs and Benefits of Conflict at Work
  • The emergence of new strategies of dispute resolution in the workplace
    • Incorporating organizational core values into dispute resolution techniques
  • Discussion regarding “culture” and “justice” and the significance of each in today’s workplace
    • The impact of organizational culture in which people at all levels feel included, heard, and valued.
  • Diagnosing Conflict in the Workplace
    • Levels and Types of Conflict
  • Styles of Conflict Resolution
    • Recognizing your own style and the styles of others


Skills and Techniques for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace: Lecture and Discussion

  • Introduction to the array of skill sets necessary for successful resolution of conflict
  • Six steps to successful resolution of conflict in a workplace setting (During this segment of the program, participants build an immediately executable tool for resolving conflict in their workplace.)
  1. Creating an effective atmosphere for resolving conflict
    • Time, space, parties, and location considerations
    • Accounting for individual and cultural differences
  2. Creating Mutual Understanding
    • Agreement on process
    • Cultural sensitivity
    • Listening, messaging, and focus
  3. Identifying Individual and Mutual Interests
    • Idea generation: quantity over quality
    • Creative thinking: What if...?
  4. Generating and Evaluating Options
    • Brainstorming and collaborating on possible options for resolution
    • Consideration of effort, value, and likelihood of success
  5. Building Realistic Solutions
    • Implementation feasibility and time considerations
    • Criteria for optimum option selection
    • Likelihood of leadership, organizational and/or community buy-in
  6. Creating an Action Plan
    • Actions and time-tables
    • Measurable results
    • Building in flexibility


Learning Through Role Play: Case Study/Small Group Role Play Exercise

  • Using what was learned to resolve conflict in case studies 
  • Whole-class exercise: Groups present action plans and compare solutions reached.



Course Dates, Times, & Location


This four hour course is offered online, live. The class is held over Zoom and participants can attend from anywhere that they feel most comfortable participating, so long as they are not distracted by the environmment and are able to join the class with a device that has both a microphone and camera, so full participation in the class is possible. 


     Monday December 16, 2024


        ET: 12:00 PM –  4:00 PM

        CT: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

        MT: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

        PT: 9:00 AM –  1:00 PM


If the above date and times do not work for you, or you would like to book an in-person training, schedule a time to meet with our Director of Program Development,  email or call 800-306-1020 to discuss scheduling a private training for your organization. 

Workplace Conflict Resolution | Online | 12/16/24

  • This four hour course is offered online, live. The class is held over Zoom and participants can attend from anywhere that they feel most comfortable participating, so long as they are not distracted by the environmment and are able to join the class with a device that has both a microphone and camera, so full participation in the class is possible. 


    Class Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023 


    Class Times: 

         ET: 12:00 PM –  4:00 PM

         CT: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

         MT: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

         PT: 9:00 AM –  1:00 PM


    If the above date and times do not work for you, or you would like to book an in-person training, schedule a time to meet with our Director of Program Development,  email or call 800-306-1020 to discuss scheduling a private training for your organization. 

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